Communauté RoverMG-France > Actualité MG Rover Group

Chiffre de vente mg & roewe 2010 (chine)

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Pour le moment, voici les chiffres de janvier 2010 pour la chine

Roewe 550    10,286    
Roewe 750     1,333
MG 3SW                    1,834
MG 6                    1,114    
MG 7                       270    

A confirmer

L'objectif pour l'année 2010 est de 180 000 unités vendues...

--- Citer --- Shanghai Automotive's 2010 sales goal is 180,000

    Shanghai Automotive Group Co. Ltd., formerly known as Shanghai Automotive Co. Ltd., in November 1997 listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, stock code 600104, the company referred to as "Shanghai Automotive." Company's major companies subsidiaries: passenger car division, Nanjing MG, Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai GM, Shanghai Sunwin, SAIC-GM-Wuling and other automobile enterprises; SAIC transmission, the joint development of automotive electronics and other closely related with the vehicle parts enterprises; and SAIC finance companies, auto finance companies. Main attack with their own brand MG and Roewe sedan market.

    ● Shanghai Automotive 2009 an annual capacity of 150,000

    In 2009, Shanghai Automotive passenger cars part of the production capacity was 150,000 units, of which Shanghai Automotive Roewe brand and MG brand vehicles a total of three production bases, the Shanghai port base production of models: Roewe 550 and MG6, Nanjing Pukou base production of models: MG7 and MG 3SW, Yizheng base of Roewe 750 production models.

    ● Shanghai Automotive sales in 2009

    2009 January to December total sales of 90,017 units, up 150% year on year increase. Among them, one of the Roewe 550 as the main selling models in 2009 sold a total of 64,408 units and sold Roewe 750 10,602 units.

    MG brand cars were sold 14,925 units, including 11,247 from the MG 3SW which of MG models accounted for more than 75% full-year sales.

    Roewe 750 and the MG 7 these two models in 2009, poor performance, respectively, compared with the 2008 down 22.09% and 14.56%. From the data perspective, the SAIC in 2009, sales growth came primarily from Roewe 550 and MG 3SW the two models.

    2009 Shanghai Automotive has completed the operation of the pair of brand planning, Roewe brand adhere to the "quality technology", while the MG brand stands for "personality, temperament, creativity."

    Roewe 550 is the highest selling current model of the brands. The just-concluded in January 2010, Roewe 550 sales in a single month more than 10,000 units, which is for the Roewe brand, a new record.

    ● Shanghai Auto 2010 production capacity expansion project

    2010 Shanghai Auto production and sales target set at 180,000 units, the expected value of 100%. Which Roewe 550 Shanghai Automotive models and from December 2009 listing of a new benchmark car MG6 model, is the main sales in 2010. At the same time is expected to launch in the first half of this year the Roewe 350 model, smaller than Roewe 550, will be a success and later a main digital, network-based model, its sales in 2010 is also very worth the wait. At the same time, because the current capacity of three production bases are able to basically meet the needs of the company in 2010, no plans to build a new plant.

    ● Shanghai Automotive car 2010 Outlook

    2010 Shanghai Auto will launch on the market the MG6, Roewe 350 and Roewe SUV. Which MG6 models in December 2009 and began selling has now been officially available. Roewe 350 model is expected to formally listed in the first half of this year.

    As for the Roewe SUV, according to previous exposure of photos, is a built based on the Kyron models, car spy photos have already been exposed too many times. For the time being the car with the greatest difference between Kyron will focus on the front.

    Spy photos from the exposure can also be seen with the Ssangyong Kyron SUV has very deep roots, partly Kyron wheel exactly the same as the side lines is very similar. It can be said for the Ssangyong Kyron is a redesigned product in the reduction of a number of personal details, make the car look more closely some of the city. It is reported that this Roewe's the first SUV model in exactly the same size and Ssangyong known, length width parameter is expected to 4660/1880/1755mm.

    Power for the new car is expected to be used Kyron original 2.3L petrol and 2.0L diesel engine, 2.3L gasoline engine offers 110kW of maximum power and peak torque of 214Nm. There is also the message of the 1.8T Roewe 750 and the 2.5L engines can be used in the SUV products. However, when this SUV models will be available, at present we do not know.

--- Fin de citation ---

Avec la Roewe 350, surement la 150, la MG6, surement la MG2, la gamme va sacrement s'accelérer, pour attendre cette objectif  :)


--- Citation de: arnaud7675 le 22 Février 2010, 17:15:23 ---Avec la Roewe 350, surement la 150, la MG6, surement la MG2, la gamme va sacrement s'accelérer, pour attendre cette objectif  :)

--- Fin de citation ---

Attendre ou  atteindre ?        (Isa tu n'es pas sur ce topic non plus ?)


--- Citation de: Player7892 le 22 Février 2010, 22:02:56 ---Attendre ou  atteindre ?        (Isa tu n'es pas sur ce topic non plus ?)

--- Fin de citation ---

 :ddr:  (^^)


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