Communauté RoverMG-France > Actualité MG Rover Group

TATA MOTORS propriétaire de la marque ROVER

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Tata Motors a annoncé aujourd'hui (26 mars 2008) qu'il venait de trouver un accord définitif avec Ford Motor Compagny en ce qui concerne l'acquisition de JAGUAR, LAND ROVER, comprenant les marques, les usines et les droits intellectuels.
Sur le site de trademarks, sous le nom LAND ROVER et incluant son utilisation, voici la liste des  autres noms :


Tous ces noms sont sous TATA  Motors maintenant.

Le Compte rendu officiel  de  Tata Motors:

--- Citer ---Tata Motors enters into definitive agreement with Ford for purchase of Jaguar Land Rover

March 26, 2008

Tata Motors today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with the Ford Motor Company for the purchase of Jaguar Land Rover, comprising brands, plants and intellectual property rights.

The transfer of ownership to Tata Motors is expected to close by the end of the next quarter, subject to applicable regulatory approvals. The total amount to be paid in cash by Tata Motors for Jaguar Land Rover upon closing will be approximately $2.3 billion. At closing, Ford will then contribute up to approximately $600 million to the Jaguar Land Rover pension plans.

Commenting on the agreement, Chairman of Tata Sons and Tata Motors, Ratan N Tata, said, "We are very pleased at the prospect of Jaguar and Land Rover being a significant part of our automotive business. We have enormous respect for the two brands and will endeavour to preserve and build on their heritage and competitiveness, keeping their identities intact. We aim to support their growth, while holding true to our principles of allowing the management and employees to bring their experience and expertise to bear on the growth of the business."

Alan Mulally, president and CEO of the Ford Motor Company, said, "Jaguar and Land Rover are terrific brands. We are confident that they are leaving our fold with the products, plan and team to continue to thrive under Tata's stewardship. Now, it is time for Ford to concentrate on integrating the Ford brand globally, as we implement our plan to create a strong Ford Motor Company that delivers profitable growth for all."

As part of the transaction, Ford will continue to supply Jaguar Land Rover for differing periods with powertrains, stampings and other vehicle components, in addition to a variety of technologies, such as environmental and platform technologies. Ford has also committed to provide engineering support, including research and development, plus information technology, accounting and other services.

In addition, Ford Motor Credit Company will provide financing for Jaguar and Land Rover dealers and customers during a transitional period, which can vary by market, of up to 12 months.

The parties believe these arrangements will support Jaguar Land Rover's current product plans, while providing Jaguar Land Rover with the freedom to develop its own stand-alone capabilities in the future that will best serve its premium manufacturer requirements.

The parties do not anticipate any significant changes to Jaguar Land Rover employees' terms of employment on completion.

Jaguar Land Rover's employees, trades unions and the UK government have been kept informed of developments as the sale process progressed and have indicated their support for the agreement.

Founded in 1922, Jaguar has been among the premium brands for luxury saloons and sports cars. Since its very first design appeared in 1948, Land Rover has always been universally identified as the ultimate in four-wheel drive vehicles. Jaguar and Land Rover have been under Ford's ownership since 1989 and 2000 respectively. The two together have about 16,000 employees.

Safe harbour
Statements included herein may constitute "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements are based on expectations, forecasts and assumptions by management and involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to materially differ from those stated. We cannot be certain that any expectation, forecast or assumption made by management in preparing these forward-looking statements will prove accurate, or that any projection will be realised. More detailed information about these and other factors that could affect future results is contained in our annual reports and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Our forward-looking statements pertain to the date of their initial issuance, and we do not undertake to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

--- Fin de citation ---

Source :

Yes je l'ai lu tout à l'heure dans direct soir mais je ne me rappel plus du montant :)


--- Citation de: yallah5 le 26 Mars 2008, 22:27:27 ---Yes je l'ai lu tout à l'heure dans direct soir mais je ne me rappel plus du montant :)

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Pour l'ensemble, cela fait 2,3 Milliards de Dollars US (Le groupe TATA est évalué à 68 milliards de dollars US avec ses différentes filières).
Sinon il faut préciser que SAIC/NAC possède les droits sur les 2 derniers logos ROVER sans possèder le nom ROVER : si TATA Motors veut utiliser le nom il devra certainement produire un nouveau logo ou bien reprendre un plus ancien (un de ceux d'avant  1989 si je ne m'abuse).     

Rover 35 et 55 ? :aga:


--- Citation de: Rover820i le 26 Mars 2008, 22:51:22 ---Rover 35 et 55 ? :aga:

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La vieille époque... :D
La  P6 a existé comme ROVER 35, de même le RANGE ROVER 35...


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