Communauté RoverMG-France > Actualité MG Rover Group

Rumeur du retour de la marque ROVER pour 2009

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Plusieurs sources confirment  que FORD aurait déjà pris sa décision : TATA aurait été choisi pour reprendre LAND ROVER et JAGUAR. L'offre de 1 milliard de Livres Sterling a été acceptée par Ford. Des officiels de TATA sont en route pour le royaume-Uni afin de faire l'annonce officielle. Les détails ultimes de l'affaire sont encore à mettre au point d'ici à 6 semaines (la vente sera alors effective).

Aucune info encore sur la marque ROVER,  FORD l'avait achetée à BMW  en septembre 2006 pour 6 millions de Livres sterling afin de sécuriser la marque LAND ROVER, TATA devrait donc récupérer ROVER.  L'année 2008 devrait voir le retour de la marque, peut-être en fin d'année. Sous quelle forme ? On verra...


--- Citer --- Ford chooses Tata for Jaguar and Land Rover

By John Duckers and John Revill,
Birmingham Post, Dec 19 2007
Indian industrial giant Tata will be named as the preferred bidder for Jaguar and Land Rover on Friday. The group has had its £1bn bid accepted by Ford, which is selling the luxury carmakers which together employ 13,000 people across the Midlands.
The firm has beaten off competition from rival Indian firm Mahindra and Mahindra and private equity group One Equity Partners. Final details are expected to be tied up in the next six weeks before the sale is completed. Sources at Land Rover said: 'It is definitely Tata. There is one final meeting and so long as there is no last minute hitches, which are not expected, then an announcement will be made on Friday.'
Officials are coming to the UK from India for the announcement. Staff and the government are all supportive of the deal, the source added, while it will ensure the companies and the jobs stay in the West Midlands. The deal was welcomed by union leaders. Des Quinn, industry officer for the Transport and General Workers' Union section of Unite, said: 'We cautiously welcome this development, although the devil will be in the detail. We think the Tata bid is in the best interests of our members. They come from a manufacturing background, and the experience of other people they have taken over has been good.
'They allow the management to manage and are investing in it. They are cash rich and they can afford the price, as well as invest in the future. Generally we think they are the better buyer for Jaguar and Land Rover.' Tata bought steelmaker Corus for £4.3bn last year, while the firm also owns Tetley Tea in the UK. Mr Quinn added that the Mahindra bid fell down becasue of its links to private equity – with the Indian firm working with Apollo.
'When a private equity firm buys a company, the cost of buying it often goes onto the company's books. If anything then goes wrong how, do you refinance the business?'
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Ils n'ont pas fini de nous embrouiller :transpi:

Merci de l'info :) Source numérique du texte ? ;)

Rover repris par TATA,ça fais encore plus peur que roewe je crois :D


--- Citation de: Rover820i le 20 Décembre 2007, 22:03:34 ---Ils n'ont pas fini de nous embrouiller :transpi:

Merci de l'info :) Source numérique du texte ? ;)

--- Fin de citation ---

Les sources proviennent du site de Birmingham Post (ces infos ont été données par  des  membres de  LAND ROVER), repris par différents sites anglais. Normalement une annonce devrait être faite demain vendredi. L'éventualité d'une relance de la marque  ROVER ne sera dévoilée que bien plus tard, si c'est bien le cas, mais on sait que TATA entretient un lien historique  privilégié avec ROVER, la préparation de certaines modèles semble  plus que probable. Cela va en agacer plus d'un, ceux qui avait enterré la marque  en avril 2005  :P

L'annonce officielle ne sera pas faite aujourd''hui, mais devant les employés de JAGUAR et LAND ROVER, c'est-à-dire vraisemblablement le 2 janvier selon le Birmingham Post

--- Citer ---Ford to tell Jag and Land Rover workers first

Dec 21 2007


The Christmas break has delayed the formal announcement of Tata Motor's £1 billion takeover of Jaguar and Land Rover.

Ford, which is selling the two Midland carmakers, wants to tell its workers itself before the news becomes public. Although the deal has been sealed, the plants across the Midlands are currently entering their Christmas shutdown. Workers will return to the Castle Bromwich and Lode Lane plants on January 2, when they could be told the outcome.

A source said Ford has given Tata preferred bidder status over Mahindra and Mahindra and One Equity Partners, but because the American carmaker wants to speak to the workforce first, the deal won't be formally announced until the new year. The purchase is still going through and there have been no hitches, said the source. Executives at both Ford and Tata, who have arrived in the UK, are thought to be celebrating sealing the deal. A Ford spokesman said there would be no announcement today.

The impending Tata takeover has been welcomed by industry figures. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya, head of Warwick Manufacturing Group, said: "Assuming all the reports are accurate and Tata has indeed clinched the deal, then it would be the best thing that has happened for the Midlands car industry in years
--- Fin de citation ---

Source : Birmingham Post    (21/12/2007)


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