Communauté RoverMG-France > Actualité MG Rover Group

Rumeur du retour de la marque ROVER pour 2009

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on dirait un mix de plein de caisses récente sur base de prius, c'est hideux  :roll2: :ddr:

de pire en pire! affligeant!!!!! :lol:

Cette gamme de modèles  en préparation serait vraiment faite pour la marque ROVER avec un design anglais, donc ce ne serait pas des modèles TATA rebadgés sauvagement et à la va vite. 
L'annonce de l'acquisition de JAGUAR et LAND ROVER par TATA pourrait être faite le 16 janvier 2008 au Salon de Détroit. Dans le même temps SAIC MOTOR devrait relancer l'usine de Longbridge en aidant Nanjing Automobile...

Voir ci-dessous : "MG contre ROVER : la Chine et l'Inde en course pour reconstruire les marques anglaises"   

--- Citer ---MG vs Rover: China and India in race to rebuild British brands?


Both marques to return to Europe? [Les deux marques vont-elles faire leur retour en Europe ?])

AR’s attempts to obtain official information from either SAIC Group or Yuejin Motor Group about the progress of the negotiations initiated as a consequence of the letter of intent signed by the two companies on the 27th July, 2007 have, to date, proved to be unproductive.

However, according to a recent report on, the formal signing of a Framework Agreement finalising the 'amalgamation' of SAIC Group and Yuejin Motor Group/Nanjing Automobile Corporation and/or their respective SAIC Motor/Roewe and NAC MG units has been scheduled for the 26th December, 2007.

AR understands that a high-ranking SAIC Group/SAIC Motor delegation visited NAC MG UK Limited at Longbridge on the 22nd November, 2007 and has good reason to believe that SAIC Motor may, in fact, already have a post-amalgamation plan for the Longbridge plant in place. We have no doubt that the Chinese Government’s Automotive Industry analysts will have been monitoring Tata Motors Limited’s widely anticipated acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover very closely and reckon that, in the context of geo-political dynamics, the prospect of an Indian-owned, British-based, Jaguar and Land Rover should really have convinced the Chinese Government and SAIC Motor of the commercial and political need to expand the latter’s British design and engineering facility and, hopefully, establish a manufacturing base at Longbridge.

BBC News reports that, when opening of the £20m Longbridge Innovation Centre on the 10th December, 2007, Liam Byrne MP, Minister for the West Midlands, also launched the West Midlands Economic Strategy which provides for 'up to £25bn of public spending' to be 'spent on boosting jobs over the next five years.' Advantage West Midlands say that the aim 'is for 10,000 new jobs at Longbridge over the next fifteen years.' We therefore wonder whether or not any of that public funding has already been allocated to a shortly to be SAIC Motor-owned NAC MG UK Limited and, if so, how many new jobs might be created at the Longbridge plant.

Britain’s Foreign Secretary, David Miliband MP, met the new Chinese Foreign Minister, Yang Jiechi, in London last week and the transcript of their Press Conference here, in our view, clearly demonstrates the importance which the new British and Chinese Governments place on bilateral relations. British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown MP, visits China next month and the Foreign Secretary confirmed that 'high on his agenda will be the very practical bilateral exchange that he is looking forward to on issues like education, scientific cooperation, scientific and technological cooperation, trade and economic development issues…'

AR currently expects the announcement of Tata Motors Limited’s successful bid for Jaguar and Land Rover to be made at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit on the 16th January, 2008. The Prime Minister’s visit to China would, in that context, certainly provide both the British and Chinese Governments with an excellent opportunity to make a joint announcement about the future of the Longbridge plant under a SAIC Motor-owned NAC MG UK Limited…

Interestingly, an informed, UK-based, source with more than a little knowledge of developments in China concedes that the timetable suggested above might not be too dissimilar to that adopted by the relevant players there.

Time alone will tell but there must, at least, be a distinct possibility that January, 2008 will witness the start of an Indo-Sino race to rebuild MG and Rover as global brands with British designed, engineered and manufactured products.
Source : The Unofficial Austin Rover web site  11/12/2007
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Les colonisés d'hier deviennent les colons d'aujourd'hui!

oui c'est assez cocace comme situation  :lol:


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