Communauté RoverMG-France > Actualité MG Rover Group

Rumeur du retour de la marque ROVER pour 2009

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Suite de cette rumeur, selon cette source il y aurait 2 plateformes en préparation pour la marque ROVER dont un modèle "medium/large" qui pourrait faire son apparition en 2012-2013. Selon une forte probabilité, ce modèle serait produit au Royaume-Uni.

 Originally Posted by boxwellm  View Post
"I had another chat with my contact. There are two vehicle platforms being developed for Rover - a small car platform and a medium/large car platform. The large car platform would spawn a seven-seat MPV and a saloon, although fastbacks and estates are also being mooted.

The idea is that the first of the larger cars would appear in 2012-13 and in all likelihood would be built in the UK".

Source : forum mg  04/12/2007

Bon, wait and see :roll:

vous allez réussir à me convaincre :transpi: (^^)


--- Citation de: Jojo214 le 30 Novembre 2007, 17:39:00 ---Aucune continuité avec la marque qu'on connait de toutes façons. C'est un nom factice pour une nouvelle gamme de véhicules.

Merci de tes éclaircissements :) , même si tout ceci ne me convainc pas d'un quelconque "retour". Au mieux une nouvelle utilisation du nom.

--- Fin de citation ---

Un peu comme quand ils étaient passés des SD1 aux Rover sur base Honda :ddr:

Sinon on a déjà eut droit à la CITYROVER :bag:

Suite de cette rumeur sur un autre site anglais : The Unofficial AUSTIN ROVER web resources qui affirme que  le retour de la marque ROVER apparaît fort possible avec  le rachat par TATA des droits sur la marque  et le développement de toute une gamme élaborée au Royaume-Uni.

"AR believes the most likely reason for such a postponement may well be that Tata Motors intends to launch the new V3 and X2 models in the European and UK markets under the Rover brand if the company does, in the end, purchase Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford. However, a Tata Motors-owned Rover would clearly need a second, larger, platform in order to become viable and our sources reckon that Tata Motors and TMETC are developing such a platform to underpin an additional model range(s) for introduction in 2012 or 2013 – that development schedule would probably be accelerated by the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover… Indeed, any such C and/or D segment Rover model range(s) might even be built at Halewood on Merseyside in place of the already ageing Jaguar X-TYPE.
MG and Rover enthusiasts have, in our view, good cause to look forward to 2008 with more than a little optimism. We reckon there is an, at least, reasonable chance that, by the end of next year, a SAIC Motor-owned MG and a Tata Motors-owned Rover will both be developing British-designed and engineered products and finalising their respective plans to re-launch the two famous British marques.
The irony is that SAIC Motor UK Technical Centre Limited and Tata Motors European Technology Centre plc are currently located within a few miles of each other in Warwickshire…"

2007's Elegante concept, and its Xover brother clearly shows that Tata is looking towards the West for its future.. " 

Source : The Unofficial AUSTIN ROVER web ressources, 09/12/2007

L'aventure Tata Rover va t'elle reprendre :?:  :D


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